Dairy Flat



Today’s message 25/3/2020

To all the parents, caregivers and students of our Dairy Flat School Community

The next four weeks are about the safety, health and well being of our nation. The critical consideration at this time is that you keep yourself and your loved ones safe and well. Look after your mental health. Reach out if you need help. We have digital freedom to talk to each other.  The most precious things we can give our loved ones is time. Have fun, talk, do things together. Set up online meet ups with your friends and family not in isolation with you. Take time each day for yourself. Get exercise and fresh air. Keep smiling!

The holiday break is from Monday 30 March until Tuesday 14 April.

Students are not expected to complete learning tasks during their holiday break. Our students’ safety, health and well being is our priority. The teachers have set up learning activities and suggestions for our students. These are there to provide support for families. We do not have the expectation that your child completes any of the suggested activities. They are not compulsory. They are provided for you should you wish to use the resourses for learning at home. Reading to your child, gardening, Art, building, playing games, constructing, and cooking together are all valuable learning opportunities.  Focus on having fun. 

You can contact your child’s teacher or myself  via email until Friday 27 March and after the 14 April. 

I look forward to seeing you all back at school after this is over. 

Kia Kaha

Be Kind

Take care of each other 

Debbie Marshall