Mufti Day this Friday
Mufti day is this Friday. Please bring a gold coin & wear something yellow in support of Daffodil Day and the Cancer Society.
Cross Country Fun Run Money
White Elephant
Can you please have any fun run cash payments to the office by Friday 30th August so that prizes can be ordered.
Scholastic Book orders due Monday 2nd Sept by 3pm
AG Day Mystery Seed
If you are doing a mystery seed you need to get planting now. $2 from Mrs Mowat in room 1
AG Day Entry Forms
Entry forms are now available and due back to school by the 6th September.
First class to get them all in gets a pizza lunch, 2nd class an ice cream treat. All information sheets are on the website or in the Ag day folder. If not entering a lamb, goat or chicken, expectation is 2 activities from Section B.
Should be well underway with chicken diaries.
It is recommended pet lambs get small feeds often-200-250 mls right up to Ag day. Judges will be looking for healthy well fed lambs. Make sure they also have a
AG Day Grocery Collection
Week 6 and it’s Chocolate Week. We need a ton of chocolate as prizes for the Games stall. Next week is Health & Beauty.
Raffle Tickets
AG Day raffle tickets available for sale in the school office Mon to Wed, cash or eftpos please see Paula Lucas. Win $1000 cash plus lots of other fantastic prizes!!! If you are interested in helping to sell a book of 10 tickets to friends and family please contact Michaela 0211888404.
AG Day Market Stalls
Do you or someone you know have something to sell at AG Day as part of our market stall section. If you are keen to secure a spot then please contact Kevin Blakeman at
Cane Baskets
We are seeking donations of medium/large cane baskets (diameter approx. 30cm plus) to create gift baskets and hampers for the silent auction. If you are able to help out could you please let us know at Baskets can be dropped off at the school office or we can arrange pick up.
Time to start saving your precious goods to donate to the AG Day White Elephant stall:
Books, toys and games. Soft toys.
Small appliances and household items in working condition.
Clothes and shoes.
NOTHING broken, rusty, with parts missing etc. No oil column or gas heaters.
Drop off time will be at the school hall the week prior to AG Day, times TBA.
Any questions or queries regarding the White Elephant please contact Susan:
A home for what we don’t sell: When AG Day finishes our White Elephant is often left with a variety of goods. Do you know of a worthy organisation who would be willing to pick up what remains and put to a good cause when AG Day closes? Items will need to be removed on Saturday 19th October between 2.30-4pm. Please contact Susan with suggestions:
YEAR 0-6 Spring Sport
Spring will come soon and we are taking expression of interests for the following sports:
Please go through Enrolmy on the school website. Look under the Information tab for Sports and put in your expression of interest. If we do not get enough children with coaches and managers teams will not be entered.